De-Escalation The RISE Way
CourseI’ve learned from the leading experts in neurobiology, attachment and most importantly from my children, exactly what does and does not work for managing the biggest behaviors in moments of extreme stress. Now I’m sharing what I’ve learned with you.
Our Own Parenting Transformation: Uncovering 3 Guiding Truths
Course5.0 average rating (6 reviews)Understand why children who experience early trauma behave differently. Discover a "new way of being" using neuroscience to address behavior, support recovery, and create biologically respectful communities that build hope and resilience.
2020 Washington State Department of Health Webinar
Bridging the Triune & Predictive Brain Science
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Tif discusses what's important to know about the new science of the Predictive Brain, along with a video from Lisa Feldman Barrett.